Digital Tachograph Analysis
Compliance with Driver's Hours law has never been easier
JAP Consultancy endorses and supplies Smartanalysis - the industry leading tachograph analysis and compliance management software.
Remote downloading eliminates the burden of managing and controlling the process for safeguarding your compliance, leaving you with more time to focus on your business.
Driver cards and vehicle unit downloads produce masses of data which is very difficult to interpret and use.
Remote downloading does the hard work for you in analysing and reporting digital tachographs.
Proactively managing your drivers and transport operation, remote downloading tools can show you are taking all reasonable steps to prevent infringements and breaches of complicated regulations.
It is used by many of the UK's leading transport operators to safeguard compliance with driver's hours, working time regulations and tachograph legislation.
As a transport operator you are legally required to periodically check tachograph records and have an adequate record-keeping system in place. In the UK, driver card data must be downloaded at least every 28 days and vehicle unit data at least every 90 days. With remote downloading you can utilise daily data synchronisation for both vehicle and driver cards to ensure effective regulatory compliance. All data is retained on Smartanalysis’ user platform, with log-in access for operators. With remote downloading your digital tachograph data is safe and always available.